Article 1- A research and application center has been established at Sakarya University under the name of Sakarya Economic and Social Research Center (SESAM).
Article 2- The aim of the Center is to conduct research, investigation and applications in the economic, commercial, social, historical, administrative, cultural, agricultural and industrial areas directly or indirectly related to Sakarya province and its environment and to transfer these to the relevant institutions.
Working area
Article 3 - The Center shall carry out the following activities in order to achieve the objectives stated in Article 2.
a) Conducts or makes scientific research, investigations and application, participates and encourages such studies.
b) Organize seminars, conferences, congresses, symposiums, panels and training programs at national and international level
c) Conducts research and examination in order to solve the problems faced by public and d) Organizes training and development programs on subjects related to the field of study; gives certificate to those who successfully complete the programs.
e) Publishes issues related to center’s activities
f) Encourages the academic staff of Sakarya University to conduct research and practice
Organs of the Center
Article 4- The organs of the Center are as follows:
a) Executive Board
b) Director of the Center
Executive Board
Article 5- (Amended: OG 3/3 / 2005-25744) The Centre’s Executive Board; consists of totally five members, three of whom are selected by the University Board of Directors among the six candidates proposed by the Rector among the Center Director, the deputy director and the related faculty members
(Amended: OG 3/3 / 2005-25744) The term of office of the members of the Central Board of Directors is three years. Members who have expired can be re-appointed. The members who leave or vacate before the expiry date or who are appointed abroad for more than three months are replaced by new ones. The Executive Committee meets at least once a month upon the invitation of the Director. Decisions are taken mostly.
The Board of Directors convenes on a monthly basis upon the call of the chairman or more frequently as required by the business. The meeting quorum of the Executive Board is more than half of the total number of members. Decisions are taken by absolute majority. In case of equality of votes, the chairman's vote shall be replaced by two votes.
Duties of the Executive Board
Article 6- The duties of the Executive Board are as follows:
Center Director
Article 7- (Amended: OG 3/3/2005-25744)
Article 8- (Amended: OG 3/3/2005-25744)
Duties of the Director
Article 9- The duties of the Director of the Center are as follows:
a) Represents the Center.
b) Applies the decisions of the executive board and manages the center.
c) Organize and supervise the activities, research, examination, implementation, training and publication activities of the working groups established within the Center.
d) Cooperates with the relevant research and application centers, public and private sector organizations at home and abroad.
e) Prepares reports on the operation and activities of the Center and submits it to the Board of Directors.
f) Prepares the annual budget draft and submits it to the executive board for approval.
g) Identifies teams and executives related to research and application projects and submits them to the ex.board for their assignment.
h) Prepares the principles regarding the income and expenses of the Center by taking into account the relevant legislation and submits it to the Ex.Board for approval.
Support Services
Article 10- The administrative and technical services of the Center shall be carried out by the personnel to be appointed by the Rectorate.
Financial Issues
Article 11- The revenues of the Center are as follows:
a) Appropriations to be allocated from the budget of Sakarya University.
b) Funds from similar research institutions.
c) All kinds of aid, donations and wills.
d) Income from projects, reports and similar services and publications prepared with activities such as courses, seminars, training.
e) Broadcast revenues and royalties.
f) Fees for benefiting from the activities and services of the Center.
Article 12- The expenses of the Center are as follows:
a) Expenditures for scientific meetings, research, examination and publication.
b) Management expenses.
c) Transportation and communication expenses.
d) The awards given to the lecturers, students, individuals and organizations who have been successful in the field of activity of the Center.
e) Expenses related to social activities.
f) Copyright and consultancy costs.
g) Other expenses to be incurred by the decision of the Board of Directors.
Authorized Officer
Article 13- The authorized officer is to pay is the Rector. The Rector may delegate all or part of his authority to the Director of the Center.
Article 14- In matters not covered in this Regulation, the procedure shall be carried out in accordance with the general provisions.
Article 15- This regulation shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Article 16- The provisions of this regulation are executed by the Rector of Sakarya University.